Sunday, April 15, 2012


With increasing use of Web 2.0 and Project Based Learning, student activities can meet the National Education Technology Standards - Students.  Web 2.0 activities provide opportunities for students to implement and develop skills in communication, collaboration, and publishing.  ISTE highlights communication and collaboration in its standards  

Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others (ISTE).

This collaborative approach is a key benefit of integrating technology into the classroom.  There are many resources and tools that allow students to interact with each other.  These could be as simple as email, blogs, chats, or discussion boards.  But communication is just the beginning of the tools.  Although it's true that students can share information with each other, it is much more valuable when they can communicate towards a common goal, such as a collaborative project.  Such collaboration reinforces the examples ISTE proposes for the communication and collaboration standard:  "use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions."  (ISTE)

Interacting with other students, whether from nearby communities or distant cultures, helps to reinforce global awareness, cultural awareness, and digitial citizenship.ISTE defines a standard for digital citizenship:  Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior (ISTE).  Whether interacting directly with other students or global members, or using resources from other areas, students will gain an appreciation of the values and customs of the others involved.  Using Global Collaborative Projects, as discussed in Unit 4 of this course greatly supports the digital citizenship standards.  

Aside from the communication and collaboration involved with digital projects, many of these projects emphasize thinking skills.  ISTE NETS-S #4 covers these cognitive skillsStudents use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources  (ISTE).  As students conduct their research, discussions, and publishing duties, they are actively engaged in  these critical skills.  The entire process of PBL and the web2.0 resources with support the projects require students to plan, evaluate, and implement their project ideas.

Through communciation, collaboration, and publishing web2.0 and PBL activities actively address the entire set of NETS-S standards for students.  The variety of tools available: Wikis, Glogs, Global Projects, animations, presentations, collaborations, and publications provide a plethora of options and opportunities for students and classrooms.

ISTE | NETS Student Standards 2007. (n.d.). ISTE | Membership, NETS Standards, Books, Journals and Professional Development for Teachers. Retrieved April 15, 2012, from

ISTE | NETS for Students 2007 profiles. (n.d.). ISTE | Membership, NETS Standards, Books, Journals and Professional Development for Teachers. Retrieved April 15, 2012, from