What is creativity? What is the role of creativity in the classroom? What do you value about your learning environment? What would you change (or like to see changed) to support creativity, digital media and technology?
This prompt was inserted into the student courseware without any advance notice or preparation, and access to the discussion was granted for two days (21 Nov - 22 Nov). This activity was the first time student collaboration and discussion has been encouraged within the alternative education program. We received two basic responses:
1 - Students who refused to participate unless it was directly tied to a grade
2 - Students who enjoyed the experience and the interaction with each other
The second category far outnumbered the first. I was encouraged by the response. Similar to topics in our current course EDIM508 discussions, students responded well to the social environment. Some of the comments included comparisons to facebook. Based on the response, I now have a new challenge: come up with more prompts to create a regular opportunity for such student dialog. At this point, I am considering once a week and I have also offered students to make topic/prompt suggestions for future use.
As for creativity responses, many of the students lacked any expansion on the technology theme. I added a second prompt to the discussion: Many of you are writing that you would like to see more creativity in the classroom, especially with concern to the offline activities. Do you have suggestions for this? Are there tools you have used that you think can better use your creativity to show that you know the material in the class? Have you used prezi, voicethread, glogster, wiki, xtranormal, or any other online tools? Do you prefer research projects, simulations, presentations, or reports in place of offline activities? But this prompt was added later in the day and due to the structure of our system received little attention from the students.
Many of the students discussed creativity in generic terms, focusing on imagination and creation. A few highlighted the use of creativity in the classroom. Many emphasized the lack of creative opportunities in the current program offerings (students complete nearly all of their work through online courseware tutorials and tests). Few of the responses indicated creativity in assessments and course assignments. Most of the course related creativity responses were in the forms of instructional delivery. General environmental considerations were also raised for creative influence.
I was disappointed by the lack of technology in student discussions. I received several responses indicating a desire for more animation and video in the online courseware, as well as one response suggesting that any assessment projects would be an improvement over the courseware provided multiple choice assessments.
Full results (with some off topic discussions edited out) of the student responses are available at
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