Thursday, November 10, 2011

EDIM508 Media Infused Project

Prezi is a tool that has been touted in several othercourses.  Yet, this is the first time Ihave availed myself of its resources.  Ichose to create my Prezi on the Universe as a self-guided reinforcement activity.  The inclusion of video and imagery shouldprovide for better understanding and engagement in these topics than readingabout it in a book.  I was both excitedand disappointed by this project.  I wasexcited for the opportunities to integrate the resources fromDiscoveryEducation, NASA, and Youtube into a single place for students toaccess and view.  But, it was alsofrustrating and disappointing working with the limitations of theapplication.  With the intention of aself-guided activity, I would have liked the opportunity to create flowingblocks of text or narration, as well as choices in pathways and navigation.
As for supporting disciplined and synthesizing minds, thePrezi project can be viewed from two perspectives.  From the viewer perspective, the Prezi allowsa viewer to readily draw upon the provided resources to create a synthesizedview of the discipline.  For example,viewers to this Prezi can view historical information about our understandingof the universe as well as the key concepts that define our presentuniverse.  A key goal in creating thisPrezi was to emphasize ongoing learning, evolution of knowledge, and thecurrently unknown.
From the other perspective, that of the creator, a mediainfused project fully supports discipline and synthesis as well.  When assigned as a student project, thestudent must be able to locate and evaluate content information.  The students will need to judge theeffectiveness, appropriateness, and accessibility of their resources.  The students will be choosing mediaenhancements that best fit the goals of their presentations.  In creating the media infused presentation,the students will draw upon the works of many resources.  They may find items that build upon eachother, offer competing views of the same topic, or  illustrate many examples of their topic.

Howard Gardner states four steps in fostering discipline:
1.      Identify important topics or concepts
a.      The students must do this in the project.  Goals and objectives will guide the studentsas they select the materials for their projects
2.      Spend time on the project
a.      The media infused project is not a simpletask.  It requires active engagement bythe students
3.      Use multiple approaches
a.      As was required in our assignment, specificmedia specifications will encourage students to examine the project throughdifferent media and learning modalities.
4.      Give opportunities to perform
a.      The students have a performance assessment.  The prezi is the product, potentially alongwith a student presentation.
For synethsizing, such a media infused project aligns wellwith Gardner’s components  forsynthesis:  Goals, Starting Points,Selection, and production/feedback.
The Prezi offers the ease of integrating the disciplinedresources and media objects into a single presentation.  The media project allows students to collectand present their content and understandings in an easy to build, easy to view,cohesive manner.

Gardner, H. (2007). Five minds for the future. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press.

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